ITU Zone: 27CQ Zone: 14WW Loc: JO21KDSKCC#: 16381C
ON0HRTTX: 145.725 MHzRX: 145.125 MHzCTCSS: 79.7 Hz

ON4HRT EchoLink Proxy Server

For licensed hams, Echolink software opens up new possibilities for communicating around the world with other amateurs, using streaming-audio technology. Your PC links you or your local repeater to any of thousands of other RF stations through the Internet.

Our amateur radio club supports the EchoLink system and decided to host a public Echolink Proxy Server for all licensed radio amateurs who want to enjoy its service. Unfortunately, due to the architecture of the EchoLink Proxy Server software only one login at a time is permitted.

The EchoLink proxy is running on a RaspberryPi device and is reachable through on port 8100. It is running without a time-out or any restrictions (SysOp ON4GS).

EchoLink Proxy Name
IP Address
No timeout - No restrictions

Please feel free to consult server status here. In case the proxy server is not up and running, maintenance is ongoing or the proxy is temporarily dedicated for club purposes. You may find other public EchoLink Proxy Servers here.

posted by ON4GS on May 14, 2016


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